Wednesday 27 April 2011

Basic Tips on Resume

Resume writing is a critical task and hence it is important to follow the tips to make your resume interesting and attractive. The employers are very busy people and they generally do not have time to read each received resume. If your resume is not interesting enough to hold the attention of the employer, the important job related details that qualify you for the position may get neglected and you may be set out of the race of job position. Every resume should be written in attractive way to generate the interest of the employer in reading the resume completely and call the candidate for the personal interview to know more details. The administrative assistant resume is required to apply for management position jobs. The administrative assistant handles number of job responsibilities and assists in smooth functioning of an organization. Hence, the person working in this position must be experienced and well qualified.

The major tasks performed by the administrative assistant are assisting in proper functioning of organization, organizing meetings, classifying office work, etc. The person working in this position should be extremely experienced in handling such job responsibilities and well qualified for the position.

Administrative Assistant Resume Tips:

• Every resume should start with the name and contact details of the applicant. This will help the employer to know whose resume they are viewing. After writing the contact details on the top of the resume, write job objective statement that provides brief idea of your career goals. It should clearly explain your goals to be achieved in the specified time period to the employer. Writing job objective will make good impact on the employer and prove your seriousness about the job.

• List your professional details after your job objective. This section will include the names of your previous employers along with the corresponding joining and relieving dates of those employments. Mention these work experiences in the chronological order. This will let the employer know about your recent work experience.
• The skills section will include the technical skills and transferable skills. The administrative assistant has to perform number of tasks and interact with different clients. Hence, the interpersonal skills are most sought skills in the candidate applying for such positions. Emphasize on the skills required for administrative positions in your resume.
• The academic credentials are listed after skills section for administrative resumes. Start with the most recent degree first followed by the next recent qualification.
The resume for administrative assistant includes all the necessary skills and qualifications required for the position. You can add all the information relevant to the position of the administrative assistant and required by the employers in your resume. You can also take reference from the sample Administrative Assistant Resume that are online to help the job seekers.


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