Wednesday 27 April 2011

Online CV

Are you looking to step up your job search and find a job that's suitable for you - fast? Get your CV in front of employers with ease in effective and attention-grabbing web CV format. It's modern, easy-to-access and can help you stand out from the crowd. This format is particularly effect if you want to show a portfolio of previous work such as writing, photography or design.

Creating a web CV doesn't have to be complicated, all you need is a simple website that will help you present your qualifications and experience in a clear and attractive way. You don't need web development or design skills to get an impressive web resume designed either. Whether you opt for a straightforward HTML template, a Wordpress blog or Flash website there are many ways to do it.

You can also use a website builder software that will help you make a website to perfectly suit your needs whatever they may be. Pay monthly and you can have a fully hosted, good-looking site that's easy to use and grows with your needs - and you get control exactly what it looks like and how it works.

When you start building your web CV here are a few items to make sure you include:

Name and contact details

These details may seem obvious, but it's worth emphasising how important they are to include! If you forget your contact details, no matter how impressive your resume appears to potential employers, they won't be getting in touch! Contact details may include your telephone number, address, website link and twitter link.

Experience and qualifications

As with any CV list all relevant experience that you have gained throughout your career, as well as any qualifications you have gained through school and higher education. List these elements with the most recent first and consider adding a line on what you have learnt through previous jobs and work experiences/placements.

Personal statement

Add a short yet compelling personal statement that describes what you are about, professionally. Include some of your key skills and a few words that summarise the passion you have for your career sector! There are plenty of sites online that will give you tips on how to write an effective personal statement that will describe you in your best light.

Photo (optional)

Sometimes adding a professional headshot to your CV can help employers build a complete picture of who you are and what you can offer an organisation. Including a photograph can be especially effect if you are considering a job where your image may be important.

References and quotes

Get hold of some positive references and quotes and include these on your web CV! Employers love to hear first-hand about how reliable, creative and hard-working candidates are, so also list contact details (telephone numbers are best) to previous employees so they can get in touch and hear all about you from the people who've worked with you before.


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