Monday 25 April 2011


        Do you treat this world as a friendly place? Then expand your social zone. No man is an island by himself. Human relations are an existent between one person and the other.

 Don’t criticize, condemn, complain or mock at others.

 Give honest, sincere appreciation. Flatter legitimately.

 Arouse in the other person an eager want.

 Become genuinely interested in other people and their views.

 Smile. Make laughter a way of life. It will keep you healthy and happy.

 Remember that a mans name is to him the sweetest and the most important sound in any

 Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. Offer genuine advice if need  

 Talk in terms of the other mans interest. Do not hesitate to engage in any discussions.

 Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.

 Expand your friendship zone and subtract your enemy line

 He/she who plans his/her day well never regrets at the end of the day
 Begin and end your day with a prayer and meditation
 Repeat the affirmations throughout the day
 Visualize your ambition
 Make an action plan for the day
 Be alert while learning and listening
 Follow discipline, food and sleep habits
 Do a noble deed, play games
 Read, write and review lessons
 Practice public speaking
 Socialize, probe, and always keep your mind occupied.

CRITERIA FOR AN EFFECTIVE DAY  (he who plans his day well never regrets at the close)
 Begin your day with Prayer and Meditation  
 Repeat the Affirmations  
 Visualize your Ambition
 Make an Action Plan for the Day  
 Be alert while Learning and Listening 
 Follow Discipline, Food and Sleep Habits 
 Do a Noble Deed, play Games  
 Read, Write and  Review Lessons  
 Practice Public Speaking  
 Socialize, Probe and keep Mind Occupied

    Attitude is a point of view about a situation. It is more important than education, money
   and circumstances. It has three components. It is made up of a] what you think b] what
   you do  c] what you feel.

  Get up early in the morning and take a brisk walk,

  Start everyday as a new day full of opportunities.

  Keep a circle of friends who have a positive attitude in life.

  Take healthy food and the right amount of sleep to fuel your body and mind.

  Change focus from your self onto others and let giving spirit be the reason for your improved
      view of the world.

  Accept that some days can be bad. Do things differently and new.

  Try to down play your obstacles by comparing to that of the worst of others in the world.

  Try to role play with the ones who have achieved which you are trying to achieve.

  If others can achieve success and fame, you too can go for it.

  Realize that you can change a bad beginning into a happy end. Try for it. Persevere and
      you will win.


Get good exercise, adequate sleep and regular, balanced meals. Exercise helps burn off the excess energy that stress can produce. Sleep helps us tackle problems in a refreshed state. Good nutrition has important short-term and long-term benefits.

Having someone to confide in is important while on the job and off. Sharing feelings with people you trust can be a first step toward resolving your problems. Avoid relationships with "negative" friends who reinforce bad feelings.

Take a vacation or a long weekend. During the work day, take short breaks to stretch, walk, breathe slowly, and relax.

Set realistic goals and deadlines. Plan projects accordingly. Do "must do" tasks first. Schedule difficult tasks for the time of day when you are most productive. Tackle easy tasks when you feel low on energy or motivation.

When necessary, learn to say "no" in a friendly but firm manner.

Don't rush to argue every time someone disagrees with you. Keep a cool head and save your argument for things that really matter. Avoid pointless arguments altogether.

Don't act on your first impulse. Give your anger time to subside. Anger needs to be expressed, but it is often wise to do something that takes your mind off the situation. The break allows you to compose yourself and respond to the anger in a more effective manner.

At times we may seek to use medication or alcohol as a response to stress. Such substances only mask the problem. If appropriate, look for less stressful job options - But first, ask yourself, whether you have given your job a fair chance.

If none of these steps relieve your feelings of stress, ask a healthcare professional for advice.

Your mind can either heal you or kill you. Hence it is advisable that you program your mind for peace and happiness in life as Stress has been one of the deadliest killers of all times. Take a decision to bust your stress and live a happy life.

   To think good and assume that we can do it. Keeping away bad or unwanted thoughts
   that penetsrate into our mind. To prepare fully for  a satisfied life is positive thinking.

 Program your mind to think, speak and do good. Fill your mind with good thoughts.
     Forgive, practice relaxation, sing, pray and do social work.

 Assume that your mind is unique and the best one, even better than a computer.

 Take failure as a stepping stone to success. Activate your mind with frequent positive

 Control anger, find out why you get angry. Explore measures to keep such negative factors
     at bay. Smile, greet, shake hands and inquire about other peoples welfare.

 Eliminate hatred, jealousy, malice, slander and gossip. Give up vices, alcohol and
     sedatives. Learn to love  and respect people and other living beings.

 In giving up something for others, you gain tremendously. Meditate and listen to the word of
     God. Perspire 99% and inspire1%.

 Keep busy. Don’t let your mind to get loaded with bad  thoughts. Mind is like a uncultivated
     land, weeds grow when it is not cultivated.

 Exhibit patience, be a good listener. Allow others to speak. Counsel and advise others.    
     Practice what you preach.  Always keep your mind busy with noble thoughts.

 Picturize great things and attach yourself onto these objects. Take time everyday to
     visualize. Spend time in creating positive role plays. Read informative literature and put
     them into practice.

 Affirm ‘ I am unique, no one is like me and I am what I am. The best is yet to be.


An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. It is a way of making firm that which you are imaging.

01 Today is the first day of the rest of my life

02 I shall make this Program a launch pad for my  success

03  Make me a child again just for today

04  I am the luckiest person around

05  I have a superb memory

06  When I win I win when I lose I learn

07  Day by day in every way I am getting better and better

08 Day by day in every way I am getting healthier  and healthier

09 Day by day in every way I am getting wealthier and wealthier

10  I am capable of achieving anything in life

11 I am now spending  a wonderful weekend in the lap of  beautiful Shanti Sadhana.

12  Today is the day of my enlightenment

13 I now shed all negative emotions and am burning/burying them

14  I am now on the road to success

15  I Love myself

16  The more I give the more I get

17  I am now enjoying everything I do

18  I am relaxed – I now feel great

19  I am alive, alert and excited.

20 I am the master of my life. I shall live life to the fullest & the best and set an example for   
    the others to emulate.

21 I shall now set realistic goals, nurture and achieve them positively.  

22  Everything is coming to me easily and effortlessly

23  My life is blossoming in total perfection.

24  Perfect wisdom is in my heart.

25  As a trainer I shall be successful and I vouch to do my best for the others who depend on
      me for tutelage.

26  I am the greatest.

27  I am a born Champion.

Today is yet another successful day – I can do anything that leads me to the road to success. The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion

    Time management is the organized way of doing things  utilizing each and every second
    of our existence productively and creatively.
 Make an action plan and prioritize the things to do on a priority and urgent basis.
 Set aside time each day to review and prioritize demands on your time.
 Delegate tasks, which are not time-effective for you to do.
 Make a list of things to do, update it several times a day.
 Avoid idle talk and time wasters.
 Make sure you do at least one thing every day that you enjoy.
 Keep some energy for home life and leisure activities after work.
 Ensure that you have some quiet time after you have finished all your work.
 Continually ask yourself’ what is the best use of my time right now?

 Split time into 30 minutes and work. Remember time and tide wait for no man. Do not
     waste even a minute.

     Self Esteem is the experience of being capable of meeting life’s challenges and being
     worthy of happiness.

  Be on time for everything. You show respect for others and they will trust you.
  Be calm and alone at least for 30 minutes daily. Pray, meditate and experience nature.
  Keep your conscience clean. Talk to someone you trust. To confess is to heal. Tell the  
     truth in the moment. Don’t wait for the right time.

  Take responsibility. Forgive everyone. Forgive people and bad incidents. Do what you love 
      to do and be where you want to be.

  Be clean. Constantly groom your body, Organize your space, donate unused things, 
     nurture your relationships.

  Put your desires in writing. You must know what you want to have.

  Be aware. Appreciate the good in your life daily. This keeps you in the present.

  Share your knowledge with those who wish to know. Contribute and participate.

  Say only supportive things to yourself and the others. Convert negative thoughts to think

  Do what you say you will do. When you say you will do it, whether you feel like doing it or
     not. Keep your word.

      Every Human is endowed with a tremendous amount of potential. We sleep over that.
      All of us can become a genius if we take time to make an introspection and sharpen
      our skills and get out the best in us. Discovering your genius is as easy as you take
      it to be.

 Take time to DEVELOP YOUR PERSONALITY – the  ‘inner glow’ and ‘outer show.’ 
     Always keep up TIMINGS and COMMITMENTS.

 Your MIND can either be a healer or a killer,  hence program it for positive aspects. Keep
     away ADDICTIONS, they can lead to disaster.

 Set GOALS and have an AMBITION, put  DREAMS  into writing and work towards it. Have

 Keep a tab on your HEALTH, EXERCISE daily and RELAX for a while, READ BOOK and
     listen to soft MUSIC. Feed your mind with MIND NUTRIENTS.

 Develop your  COMMUNICATION  SKILLS,  you will succeed. All of us are born CREATIVE,
     it just needs a little bit of efforts to discover that.

 Every PROBLEM has a SOLUTION, find  it. If you take wrong DECISIONS, do not worry.
     Whatever happens is for the  best.

 Take CRITICISM lightly but ponder over it and make necessary changes. Do not ARGUE
     over petty things and waste your TIME, it is the currency of your life.

 Learn LEADERSHIP qualities, be DISCIPLINED and build HUMAN RELATIONS, fine tune
     your ATTITUDE.

 MEDITATE  and do SOCIAL WORK. Think GOOD of others and also do good, it will come
     back to you two fold. Say a PRAYER for yourself and also for others welfare.

     yourself and PLAN everything well in advance.


Goal is the object of the persons ambition or efforts to reach his pre-determined aims. In simple terms it is an aim. Without goals a man is like a ship that has set sail without a destination.

 Visualize what you want to achieve as your life mission with an absolute ambition in   

 Make a SWOT analysis and find out your strengths and weaknesses.

 Develop willpower and practice it. You will find more opportunities as you develop your 

 Focus and decide the goals you must undertake to achieve your life mission. Emulate
     the characteristics of great people.

 Prepare a detailed plan of action with the SMART technique (Specific, Measurable,
      Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound)

 Develop Positive Mental Attitude and practice self-instruction and Mission Statement.

 Give and get co-operation from other people by appealing to their self-interest.

 Avoid major fear of failure, procrastination, worry of small irritants and mistakes that
     people normally make.

 Create a collage of your future desires and keep looking at them as frequently as

 The most important rule in goal setting is to have goals, picturize them and action them
     only then will you achieve success.

     Remember the most difficult profession in the world today is Teaching. Nevertheless you    
     can make it easy. It is as easy as you think it to be. You are in charge of this world. To   
     train the future architects and imbibe good qualities in them.  Do it with the best of your :
 positive frame of mind
 honesty and
Be a candle and pass the flame. Lastly remember to leave your footprints on the sands of eternity.
C O N G R A T U L A T I  O N S

Success begins from a stout commitment and
renewed confidence.
A truly motivated teacher can move mountains.
You are perched on the threshold of a new beginning
where the sky is the limit.


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